First of all, I want to try to address a few backed-up memes and award tags that I've been letting pile up.
Kuanyin asked me if I'd like to pick up a "Never Ending Story" meme that had gotten sidetracked last year. This was similar to the Viral Story started by Splotchy awhile back. Kuanyin credited Kilroy of Fear and Loathing with beginning the story, which has not gotten that far yet. I'll tag a few people to see if we can get it moving for them!
Here's what Kilroy sent Kuanyin:
"The telephone rang. I counted, one...two...three..."
"...and let it ring til the answering machine picked up. Would that hot-to-trot sex-crazed druggie ever stop calling?"
Mauigirl's contribution:
"I muttered out loud, 'I swear I'm going to have to get an unlisted phone number if this moron doesn't knock it off.' The phone beeped and I picked it up to check the message, only to hear the sound of a click as the caller hung up. This was unusual; the druggie sex addict usually liked to leave a message, starting with a lot of heavy breathing.
I was alone in the house and a sudden shiver went up my spine."
For this meme, I'd like to tag:
Dr. Zaius of Zaius Nation
Nick of This is It
Phydeaux of Phydeaux Speaks
Fran of FranIAm
Hope at least one of you will pick it up and run with it! Have fun!
OK, one down, more to go.

I am going to go with the basic spirit of the award and try to pick a few people I feel have been mentors to me in my still-nascent blogging "career." Actually, I could pick almost anyone on my blogroll for this one but I'll have to limit myself to a few in particular as I've included nearly the entire blogroll further down anyway!
So here goes:
Larry of Lydia Cornell's blog has always been a great commenter and has given me lots of good advice on how to expand my blog's reach.
Tomcat of Politics Plus has also been a great help to me and a loyal commenter.
Robert Rouse of Left of Centrist and Blog World Report has also been a real mentor, and has posted my blog posts on his Blog World Report, which always increases my traffic quite noticeably!
I could add many more - suffice it to say that I love all of you and appreciate all of your comments and thoughts!
Last but not least, here is the Technorati meme, if you want to call it a meme.
FranIAm recently posted her entire link list as part of this kind of viral meme that is spreading about the Blogosphere, in order to improve Technorati ratings.
I confess I know nothing much about Technorati although I am listed on the site. I sometimes check to see my ranking and find I do not make it into anywhere near the top of the list so the chart they calculate for me is basically at zero.
Since this little exercise gives a lot of Link Love to everyone's blogs, I thought I'd play along, whether or not it has any effect on Technorati rankings for any of us or not. So below is my full list of personal/political links, please have fun perusing them!
American Politics Journal
American Street
Blog Against Theocracy
Blog World Report
Crooks and Liars
Fire Dog Lake
Huffington Post
Lydia Cornell
Talking Points Memo
The Blue Republic
The Cosmic Message
The Daily Kos
The Political Voices of Women
The Smirking Chimp
TPM - Election Central
An Average American Patriot
Axis of Evel Knievel
Blue Gal
Boxer Rebellion
Comrade Kevin
Distributor Cap
Freida Bee
From the Left
I Can't Believe It's Not a Democracy
I Was Just Wondering
I, Splotchy
Impeachment and Other Dreams
Informed Voters
It's My Right to be Left of Center
Kelso's Nuts
L'Ennui Melodieux
Last Left Turn Before Hooterville
Left of Centrist
Let's Talk
Liberal Journal
Liberal Values
Little Bang Theory
Little Country Lost
Mock, Paper, Scissors
Monkey Muck
Morning Martini
My Saturday Evening Post
Nailing Jello to the Wall
Phydeaux Speaks
Pissed On Politics
Politics After 50
Politics Plus
Preserve, Protect and Defend
Pundit Mom
Reconstitution 2.0
Sumo Merriment
Suzi Riot - Rants from the Left
The Devil is in the Details
The Divine Democrat
The Existentialist Cowboy
The Future Was Yesterday
The Gypsy's Caravan
Various Ecstacies
Watergate Summer
Who Hijacked Our Country?
Yikes (BAC)
Zaius Nation
And here are some of the other blogs I enjoy:
Aim for Awesome
Balls and Walnuts
Basket of Puppies
Blog Blond - Blogging Tips
Cats Working
Crazy Aunt Purl
Figuratively Speaking
Inside Betty's Head
It's All About the Walls
Jurgen Nation
KGMom Mumblings
Looky Daddy
m's blog
Marge's Words to the Wise
Martta's World
Mimi Writes
Miss Doxie
O My Word
Ransom Note
Schmutzie's Milkmoney or Not Here I Come
Slouching Past 40
Stop Katie
The Boomer Chronicles
The Constant Whiner
The Needs of the Few
This is it
Who's Yo Mama?
Freefalling Me
In a Dark Time
Me, My Life, My Garden
The Flames of Eden
Bay Area Love Letters
Double Brush - Hawaiian vacation/gifts
Must be that girl!
Addicted to Medblogs
Denver Doc Online
Doc of Ages
Dr. Anonymous
If you want to participate and do the same thing, it is very easy - you highlight your blogroll on the side of the page, copy and then paste it into your post in the "compose" mode. The system will then include the links as well as the description.
That's it! I may have more memes that I've forgotten about and if I remember one, I'll post it. In the meantime, enjoy browsing among all of our blogrolls.
Thanks for the link! That was a nice surprise to find when I got home tonight!
Thanks for including me on your blogroll MGirl!
Thanks to all of you for your great blogs!
wow that's a lot of reading Maiu Girl ...
thanks for the link love and enjoy your weekend.. :-X
Man oh man...Maui blog large and do it up right! I'm totally impressed...and you deserve the mentor award alright! Mahalo for adding your brilliance to the Never Ending Story. This will be fun to follow!
Thank you for the kind words and by seeing you all over the blogosphere, it appears you have achieved your goal and then some.
Thanks for the link MaiuGirl! Even though we have our differences when it comes to the election, I ALWAYS enjoy reading your posts, as well as your comments over at my place.
Thank you for the linkage and trust me - I did not start it. I think it was Rotus. And I am glad that he did as we can all show our bloglove for one another.
You have a brilliant blog here Mauigirl!
Now about that meme... I better get busy!
Big heaping helping of "Blog Love," in your general direction.
And I'll throw in a Rainbow at no additional charge.
Thanks for your great posts and for the link love!
thank you, sister.
Thank you sweet MauiGirl! ;)
Thanks everybody, I'm so glad to have found all of you!
I hope things will calm down a little in my life so I have more time to visit everyone! Am trying to catch up this weekend a bit! ;-)
Thank you for the honor, Maui. {{blush}} Memes that give me the opportunity to honor other bloggers are the only ones I do, so I'll happily pass this on.
Thanks so much for your kind recognition of my political blog. :-)
Tomcat, glad you'll pass it on, I think it's an interesting award!
Catherine, my pleasure - I like all of your blogs!
Thank you! I wish I had heard how to do this easily first. I copied and pasted every link. What a pain in the ass, but of course ya'll are worth it,
Freida Bee, I made a lucky guess and it worked!
Between this and the Blogroll Amnesty Day February has been a great month for "link love"!
Maui, I put up my blogroll today. getting them all in was easy, the trick was making all the links open in new windows. That takes time!
Uh-oh, I don't think I did that! Oh well! ;-)
Thanks for the link!
Mauigirl, thanks for having me blogrolled,and I am working on the fiction meme. You know I loves me some of that!
Keep your eyes peeled for the post ... I'm kinda busy with something else right now, but I'll get'r done!
Hi Randal and Phydeaux, you're more than welcome!
And Phydeaux, I figured you'd take me up on that meme so I'll look forward to your contribution to it! Thanks for playing!
Great posts, especially this one – thank you! :-)
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