And it's worse in the winter when it starts getting dark at 4:15. And the holidays are looming and I'm not ready. Not even close!
In honor of my melancholy mood, I will post some holiday haiku:
Once upon a time
I couldn't wait for Christmas
Now it's more like dread.
I miss those old days
When Christmas meant excitement
Now it's just a chore.
Rush to get a tree
Hurry up and decorate
Then take it all down.
In between all that
You have to buy the presents
And then wrap them all.
Order stuff on-line
No malls this close to Christmas!
Gifts arrive daily.
Send out Christmas cards
Or perhaps "Seasons Greetings"
With the yearly note.
"Another year passed
Here's what we've been doing...
Hope you all are well."
Plan out Christmas Day
Should we have beef or turkey?
Beef is easier.
Then Christmas Eve comes
We watch "A Christmas Carol"
And then it's all good.
Our own ritual
Instead of going to church
It still does the job.
It still reminds us
The real meaning of Christmas
Is love and giving.
The Christmas tree glows
The radio plays carols
Peace and love to all.
There's still no Santa
And our gifts for each other
Are not a surprise
But for a moment
The magic will still return
When Christmas Eve comes.

Our favorite version of "A Christmas Carol" - the one with George C. Scott as Scrooge.
I know how you feel. So much to do and so little time. I sometimes wonder if it is worth all the trouble but when I see the look on my kids faces when they open their presents I remember why I spent all the time shopping and wrapping.
Hi Skippy! Yes, in the end it is worth it. I think it helps to have kids though, you can enjoy it through their excitement!
I was just sitting here looking at the clock thinking, darn, I have to go to work tomorrow. I get that Sunday melancholy, too.
"for a moment the magic will return"-- i love that! its good to feel magic, even for just one evening.
OMG, mauigirl - that is our favorite too. My husband and kids watch it year-round. George C. Scott is incredible in the role, and makes a human being out of the caricature Scrooge.
Skippy's right MG. She does most of the shopping and wrapping. That's because I hate shopping for anything and I can't wrap a present to save my life.
Nice Haiku, Maui!
While I have a hard time getting into the modern American Christmas thing, a cinematic trip back to the times of Dickens can do the trick. I must confess I haven't seen that version of the story! George C. Scott was a great actor though, IMHO. I'll have to check it out! (Even if the guy on the left in the picture looks kind of like Hollywood Jesus.)
Rhea, I guess it's a pretty common feeling on Sundays!
Odessa, glad you liked it - I wish I could recapture the enthusiasm for shopping along with the magic though! ;-)
Alicia, I used to be a fan of the version with Alistair Sim but once we saw this one, we liked it so much we never watch the other one anymore. We taped it when it was first on TV (I think it was a made-for-TV movie) and it was sponsored by IBM. It was so funny - for a long time we used to still watch that one and see the really old IBM commercials for the PS-2 PC! (This was circa 1988). More recently, though, I bought a DVD of it and now we watch that.
Spartacus, you and me both. I am not a shopper and I'm a lazy wrapper. I use those gift bags!
Snave, the guy on the left doesn't act like Jesus at all - he's the Ghost of Christmas Present and he's a very hearty soul - but he teaches Scrooge some good lessons.
I'm afraid to say, the magic for me is when it's all over. I've been feeling alittle melencholy also.I'd have to give "it's a wonderful life" as a favorite christmas movie. Maybe if we click our heels we can be in maui.
I'm pretty much ignoring it, but for a couple of decorations which I have so far not put up. A nice dinner, not too fancy, and services on Christmas eve. I'm trying to remain focused on Advent and keep it off the commericialization as much as possible. Good luck with your plans. And don't stress it, just ignore what can't be done!
Well being married to a jew has pretty much released me from xmas obligations. No shopping obsession is real freedom, too. Just some small family stuff & events that don't drive us nuts. One thing, though, my hub loves all the xmas songs. Very funny, he messes up the words but he just loves the music!
I'm feeling very scroogy this year myself, so A Christmas Carol would be good for me to watch. The last few years, we've rewatched BAD SANTA! I know, we are strange.
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