This morning I almost forgot the date. Then when I turned on the radio I heard Mayor Bloomberg speaking about September 11, 2001, and I remembered. On my way in to work I heard part of the annual recitation of all of the names of those who were lost on that day. That always affects me, even if I think I'm going to be OK at first.
Seven years is a long time. Babies born to those who died that day have grown into children, children who don't remember the parent or parents that they lost. Teens who were young children when they lost a parent still remember their mother or father, but the memories are growing distant. Wives or husbands may have grieved, moved on and married again. Or not. Parents who lost a child may have started to accept it; but will never forget or be consoled.
Life has continued on for all of us. Even thinking back to where I was on that blue September morning, so much has changed in my own life. Since then, my father died, I lost three friends to cancer, my mother and aunt moved out of their homes into apartments, friends of mine have married, my mother-in-law entered a nursing home, I completed a certificate course in historic preservation, my job has changed in several important ways, my husband stopped working in New York and changed his career path as well. All of you can think back on your last seven years and see how far you've come down the road since that morning.
But once a year, on September 11, we all return to that day together. We all think back on what we were doing, how we heard about it, what we remember.
Suddenly it is all there; the panic, the fear, the foreboding. What if there are more of them? Will there be another attack? How many planes are actually missing? Do I know anyone who might have been there? What about my neighbor? Doesn't he work in the Towers?
The sudden shock when the Towers collapsed. The screams of the people in the videos shown, over and over, of the planes hitting the buidings.
The endless smoke from the ruin over the next months, with that image of the remaining pieces of the structure jutting into the smoke-filled sky, shown over and over on television while the news covered the massive cleanup.

But in the end, it seemed that a bunch of low-tech terrorists just got lucky with a plan that included box cutters and exploding jets; they took advantage of our trust and our free society, and were able to inflict a terrible wound.
Could it happen again? Yes, of course. Nothing we have done in the past seven years would prevent another attack like this. Whatever precautions are taken now only prevent the same thing from happening again. Not something different.
Here is an example: Only three ounces of any one liquid are allowed on a plane. But there are plenty of ways to bring separate ingredients aboard that can then be combined into an explosive and detonated once aboard. See this Washington Post article for more details.
For the past seven years our government has wasted effort, time and treasure - not to mention uncounted thousands of lives - attacking Iraq, which had nothing to do with the September 11, 2001 horror. This debacle has actually made us less safe by strengthening Iran and provoking more people around the world into hating the U.S.
While we can never feel completely safe again, there are other ways we could be trying to track down terrorists who may attack us again. Going to war in a conventional manner is not one of them.
Today both Barack Obama and John McCain will go together to Ground Zero to pay their respects to the dead. Since they are putting aside politics for this day, so will I.
But tomorrow is another day.
Seven years and I keep thinking, what have we learned? Are we stronger? Weaker? Safer?
It's difficult to have a clear perspective.
Thanks for a level-headed retrospective. Most everything I want to say is political, and I'll refrain to honor the spirit of your post.
I just wish I felt that this crisis had brought out the best in the nation. Alas, I don't.
Today I maintain Silent Respect for the people who were lost and their loved ones. **
Our government failed to bring those responsible to justice, opting in favor of a misleading distraction (Iraq) rather than disturbing the pusher of our addictions (Saudi Arabia and W's friends, the Bin Laden family).
Our government has dishonored the lives lost.
** Voice Silence, that is, you don't expect me to give up blog surfing for a day, do you?
I haven't forgotten, but I might be more mindful or more observant if it hadn't been callously manipulated by the GOP for political gain.
And no, I'm never calling this day Patriot Day.
9-11 was a terrible thing to happen, and also what we have visited on the Iraqi citizens. All violence is terrible. How many Iraqis did we murder, how many American and foreign soldiers have died, and what was the point of all this??
Violence never solves anything.
This is a beautiful post - thank you.
This is one of the best posts I've read about this day. And how could it be seven years and what have we learned? I can't even bring myself to read the article suggested. I know things haven't changed for terrorism and yes... what has Iraq done for our safety?
What an eloquent post.thanks..
Dorothy from grammology
Lovely post. I see nothing has improved much at all, alas. We are certainly no safer. In fact we have made more enemies it seems. Not the tribute I would choose for all those that perished. Thank you for your lovely words.
The only security or true peace will come with justice. We're a long way from that.
When will we figure it out?
9/11 was used as justification for Iraq. The death of innocent people in the twin towers somehow justified the sacrifice of ten times that number of equally innocent people in Iraq, and the destabilization of the world. Bin-laden definitely won that round because he got the US to abandon the principles that made it great, and threw away most of the sympathy felt around the globe when the attack happened.
Obama may not be right about everything, but he isn't wrong. McCain is.
seven years - and all we have seen is more war and destruction, courtesy of george w bush.
violence is never an answer and face it --- we can never ever stop anyone who is hellbent on violence and destruction.
it took years to get the world to hate us - and it will take years to get them to like us again -- if we dont start trying, 9/11 will most assuredly happen again
Christopher, I don't think we've learned a lot that's positive from 9/11. The main things we've learned is that there are a lot of people who are willing to give up their liberties and privacy for the illusion of safety, and the government has taken full advantage of it. Damage has been done that may never be undone, but not because of the terror attacks - because of the cynical reaction of this administration to it.
Ruth, exactly, it has only brought out the worst in this country, it seems to me.
Nick, you're right, they didn't bring the ones who did it to justice.
Kevin, I know, everyone has cynically manipulated our feelings about 9/11 for their own selfish ends.
Maria, I agree. The tragedy of Iraq is far greater - and was so unnecessary.
Fran and Dorothy, thanks. It is hard to believe that we have not been able to truly make any positive changes as a result of this tragedy. Instead all the changes have been negative and on top of that we're still not safe. But then again, we probably never will be. The world has gotten too small to escape danger anymore.
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