- Watching a pod of whales poking about in the bay while sitting on the lanai (balcony) eating pancakes.
- The pancakes themselves.
These are not just ordinary pancakes. These are a specific type of pancakes.
Last time we were here on Maui was in 2005 with our friends "E" and "M." At the time, "E" (or Estelle as I referred to her back in the notorious story of The Olives - or Differences in Male-Female Communications Styles) made some really good pancakes for the four of us.
We had picked up the mix at the local Safeway and I know Estelle chose this mix for its healthful qualities, as she is very careful with fat, cholesterol and the like. The package says the mix is made with oat bran, has calcium and is low fat. I had my doubts about it, always wary of things that sound too healthy.

These pancakes, with the unlikely name of Krusteaz, are ambrosia to the palate. When cooked properly, they are crispy on the outside, light and fluffy within, with a great hearty flavor that has a hint of apple in it. This is because one of the ingredients, unheralded on the front of the package, is dried apples.
It took me awhile to get the temperature on the tempermental electric stove just right to produce perfect pancakes, but I finally succeeded. Naturally we had to put some butter and real maple syrup on them. And we ate some REAL, fresh-picked, ripe strawberries from the local Waiakoa Farm, grown in Ulupalakua on the side of the Haleakala volcano, as a side dish.
I don't have a picture of the actual pancakes but this one shows pancakes that look a lot like what we made but with blueberries instead of strawberries.

They were a great way to start the day! I'm going back to Safeway to buy a few boxes of Krusteaz mix and ship them home - you can't get this brand in New Jersey as far as I know.
(P.S. Will post some pictures of Maui tomorrow, I promise!)
I have to say... "Krusteaze"? Doesn't sound that good. ;-)
I know! It makes me think of "Krusty the Clown" on The Simpsons!
Apparently it was named that because the first thing the company made was pre-made pie crust - get it, Crust - Ease. But they spelled it Krusteaz instead.
I have seen this brand at the Shop Rite - they also have bars (lemon, mango, etc., Estelle has made them in the past.)
Oh Krusteaz makes the best pancakes!
Isn't this funny! I haven't had pancakes in I can't remember when and today I went out for lunch and had them! They were SO delicious and then I come over here to see how you're doing and behold! A story about pancakes! Glad you're having a great time! :D
So, Friend #2, does that mean I don't need to ship back a box full of the mix? It would save us the shipping costs!
Frogette, glad to hear I'm not alone in my adoration of these pancakes!
Leslie, that's funny when things like that happen! I've had coincidences like that too.
I'll check it out this week and let you know - I know I have seen them there before. They may not be the low fat variety kind though.
Baxter says hi.
I know we have Krusteaz brand bread-machine mixes, so now I'll look for the pancakes, too!
I just hate it when companies use the cutsey spelling for something. Pet peeve.
Thanks, Friend #2! Give Baxter a scratch behind the ears for me!
Candace, I know, me too - but I guess I can forgive this brand because it's been around a long time so whoever named it is long gone! ;-)
I am so glad that you are there and enjoying your trip.
I have seen that brand in Albany and maybe in Nyack too? If so, you must be able to get them in NJ.
Sounds so yummy!
Show off! Balcony, whale, pancakes, butter, maple syrup, fresh-picked strawberries...are the whales on the hotel's payroll? Heaven on earth!
Fran, I have a feeling you're right, since my friend said she thinks she saw the brand in our local Shop Rite. One of my problems from 2005 was that we couldn't remember the name of the brand! Now at least I've memorialized it in my blog so I'll remember!
Femaildoc, I think you may be right, that the condos along this stretch of water probably pool their resources and rent these whales for their guests' entertainment, LOL!
OK, Maui. You made me hungry. Now FEED ME! ;-)
Mauigirl, you are doing what most of us would love to do and I am so glad that once again you are where you wish to be.
As for pancakes, I do not know much about them and rarely eat them at all.
I would love to sit on a balcony and watch whales. Oh how wonderful that sounds and how beautiful that musts have been for you enjoy and be safe.
Tomcat, you sound just like my cat!
Let's Talk, thanks for your good wishes - it is indeed lovely and I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to do this!
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