Waiting for toplines
Makes my clients impatient
Work cannot be rushed
Ate too much junk food
While waiting for the day's end
How can I diet?
Late for a meeting
I rush my dog round the block
Diva wants to play

Three friends and sushi
And of course green tea ice cream
Life is but a dream
Sitting in my bed
Blogging on my computer
Diva at my feet.
Hi Mauigirl,
I'm catching up to all your posts, been swamped with so many things lately. I love your haikus!
"Three friends and sushi
And of course green tea ice cream
Life is but a dream" ---I agree :)
Great job!
P.S. Diva is too adorable.
How can you not be inspired to haiku with a dog lying at your feet?
I agree, Diva is adorable, and your haiku skills are impressive.
Hm, interesting day then?
Hi Odessa, thanks for your note! Glad you like the haikus.
Nick, so true - dogs are inspirational for many things! (Today Diva was inspirational to get me to walk farther than I had planned in the morning! She never gives up trying for that extra five minutes of walk).
Liz, interesting? I guess you could call it that! Busy, yes!
I loved your Haiku, but I could never do that. For some reason, I never got past the dirty limericks.
I have to try that green tea ice cream, it sounds delicious...but I'm watching my weight now, I always gain at the holiday's and I'm determined that it will be different this year!
Making my blog rounds,
No wait at the pink-rimmed one,
Thank heavens for that!
Great haiku, Femaildoc!
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