Monday, October 29, 2007

What Kind of Liberal Are You?

I am proud to report I'm a "Social Justice Crusader" type liberal. Thanks to Makanani for posting this helpful quiz! Also! I am moving her blog to my "Politically Oriented" list, as she is a strong proponent of the Draft Gore movement and obviously belongs in that link list!

How to Win a Fight With a Conservative is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Liberal Identity:

You are a Social Justice Crusader, also known as a rights activist. You believe in equality, fairness, and preventing neo-Confederate conservative troglodytes from rolling back fifty years of civil rights gains.


Larry said...

You are a Peace Patroller, also known as an anti-war liberal or neo-hippie. You believe in putting an end to American imperial conquest, stopping wars that have already been lost, and supporting our troops by bringing them home.

You are an Eco-Avenger, also known as an environmentalist or tree hugger. You believe in saving the planet from the clutches of air-fouling, oil-drilling, earth-raping conservative fossil fools.

You are a Social Justice Crusader, also known as a rights activist. You believe in equality, fairness, and preventing neo-Confederate conservative troglodytes from rolling back fifty years of civil rights gains.

You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.

You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.

You are a New Left Hipster, also known as a liberal, a Netroots activist, or a Daily Show fanatic. You believe that if we really want to defend American values, conservatives must be exposed, mocked, and assailed for every fanatical, puritanical, warmongering, Constitution-shredding ideal for which they stand.

Thanks for the link.

Mauigirl said...

Basically I think we'd both agree we are "all of the above"! ;-)

Christopher said...

Excellent post, Mauigirl!

As a member of the DraftGore movement (yep, that means no Hillary, Obama OR Edwards), I totally and completely relate to the sentiment behind this.

I'm linking to this item on my blog.

Thanks, Mauigirl.

Mauigirl said...

Hi Christopher, thanks, glad to give the movement some publicity. I haven't made up my mind about next year's candidate yet myself so we'll see what happens if Gore gets into the race.

When I take those quizzes where you pick positions on issues and then see which candidate fits your views the best, I keep getting Kucinich or Dodd! But I don't think they have a chance to win.

I was pro-Obama at first but am not as sure now...

FreakyNick said...

My result was the same as "larry" above.

Thanks for the link. I think myself as neither liberal or conservative, more of an independent libertarian.

Mary Ellen said...

I'm a Peace Patroller, also known as an anti-war liberal or neo-hippie. You believe in putting an end to American imperial conquest, stopping wars that have already been lost, and supporting our troops by bringing them home.

My father would be proud! ;-)

The last question was the toughest for me. For one thing...too many sick images. Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson naked?? Cheney and Rumsfeld naked? stomach!

I'm going to have to get drunk to get that wiped from my mind.

Christopher said...


I hear ya.

I had supported Obama until he aligned his campaign with the homophobic gospel singer, Donnie McClurkin and that did it for me.

As a gay man, I refuse to support anyone however remotely associated with an antigay bigot.

Mauigirl said...

Nick, I am not sure what I am anymore; definitely liberal, possibly somewhat libertarian, and usually a Democrat...but I'd call myself a cynical Democrat these days. I'd like to see a strong third party!

Mary Ellen, I know - that last question was rough!

Christopher, yes, that was one of the reasons I am getting disillusioned with Obama also.

TomCat said...

Thanks Maui. This was fun. All of the above for me too but...

You are a Social Justice Crusader, also known as a rights activist. You believe in equality, fairness, and preventing neo-Confederate conservative troglodytes from rolling back fifty years of civil rights gains.

Mauigirl said...

Tomcat, we are kindred spirits in the social justice arena!

Fran said...

I am a peace patroller!!

Great quiz!