I am honored to report that Amanda of It's All About the Walls has nominated me for a new award called the Power of Schmooze Award. The purpose of the award is to reward bloggers who not only blog but also participate in a conversation with other bloggers, creating new communities.
As a result of a quick Google search, I believe I have found the origin of this award, from a blog called Ordinary Folk. The author, Mike, and another blogger, Danielle, who writes the blog Pink Reviews apparently made this new award up. And I think it's a great idea.
When you're a new blogger, as I am, there is still such a thrill to see that you have new comments on one of your posts. It shows that not only are people reading what you wrote, but they actually care enough to comment or respond to the ideas being presented. I don't know whether that ever loses its novelty.
It reminds me of when I was back in college and the biggest event of the day was waiting for the mail to come. And when I looked at my little pigeon-hole and saw a letter in it, or better yet, several, it caused such a great feeling of joy and anticipation. (I happened to have friends at home who were excellent letter writers and their missives were usually hysterically funny. Sort of like reading some of my favorite blogs now!)
So, without further ado, I am happy to now pass on this award to other great bloggers who are also faithful commenters.
Of course, my first has to be Ruth of Me, My Life, My Garden. Ruth was probably my first commenter and has been one of my most faithful blogfriends ever since. She has several blogs, many of which feature her beautiful photographs of her garden, and chronicle the details of her life. Ruth has blogfriends from around the world.
I'm also happy to nominate Evil Spock of The Needs of the Few. His blog features posts by himself, Tootie the Uber-Tribble, Ensign Redshirt, Lt. Marlena Moreau, Medusan-in-a-box, and The Collective, as well as The Sophie. Evil Spock and The Collective are running for President and Vice President in 2012. Evil Spock has been a very loyal commenter on my blog and responds to all comments on his as well. An excellent schmoozer!
"M" of m's blog is another great schmoozer - she posts prolifically and comments on others' blogs and responds on her own. She also authors a great blog about my favorite area of the country, the San Francisco Bay Area, called Bay Area Love Letters.
I'll stop with three for now! There are lots of other great schmoozers out there (Hi Larry and Tomcat!) but I might have to pick some other blogs in the future - maybe "great political bloggers" perhaps? Hmmm, anybody know if there is an award for that out there? If not perhaps we should invent one.
Thanks again, Amanda, and congratulations to the new nominees!
Congrats Mauigirl,
I must admit until last week I had never heard of this award, but in reading the criteria, I see you fit the bill perfectly.
Now you are an award winning Schmoozer!
Thanks, Larry! I think you also qualify!
You will have a growing blog since you comment regularly on Tomcat's and Lydia's blogs.
They both gets lots of traffic, then those who comment on your blog will get their traffic as well.
It goes around to benefit all.
So I'm a good schmoozer, huh? Well, I'm very glad to hear it--thank you.
I do post prolifically, too much even maybe, and though I absolutely LOVE the writing aspect of blogging (and the reading aspect of being a blog reader), I also totally agree with you about the community building aspects of blogging.
I like being in touch with "online friends" and having conversations with people I'd otherwise probably never meet in "real life." If someone takes the time to comment on what I write, I try my best to respond to them if I am able, because I appreciate their comments, even though sometimes they may not even return to read my response.
I think blogs have the potential to do a lot of good in the world, if people make good use of them--both reading them and writing them. And I like that this award focuses on the interaction component of blogging, rather than simply on the part of it that is more like a monologue.
Thanks again for your kind words about my blog, and on my blog!!
I make it a point to try to visit folks who write pretty regularly on my blogroll, and I always respond to comments in a timely manner. Its only polite!
Thanks for the award! I'm guessing its because I was whining about the Rocking Girl Blogger Award.
Evil Spock is a squeaky wheel!
Maui, you're more than welcome!
And thank YOU so much for finding out the history behind the award. I knew it was likely a good thing due to the "Blogging Community Involvement" part, but it's great to know the origins.
I agree, commenting definitely does build traffic, especially on high traffic blogs. Also participating in the Blog Against Theocracy does it!
And M, it's so true, I love "meeting" people in the blog world that I would never have been in touch with otherwise!
Evil Spock, I was only waiting for an appropriate award for you! It is well-deserved, you are a very polite, gracious host on your blog and a great commenter.
Amanda, thanks again! I looked up the award so I could find out a little more about how to describe it and it was fun to find out who started it in the process.
Congrats, Mauigirl. That's well deserved. I just got one from Suzie-Q and Larry just got one from me. :-)
I is good to see that you are having a thoroughly good, rewarding time (in both senses) as a blogger, MG. That's the main objective, I think. So just keep on doing it your way! An amazing week of for awards, isn't it? Well done! (Schmoooooooze!!).
Mauigirl has hit the big time as a Schmoozer, and top blogger!
Thanks to Icarus, Larry and Tomcat for all your comments and congratulations! And congratulations to Tomcat and Larry for your own well-deserved Schmooze Awards!
Thanks Mauigirl,
It is nice to follow you as an award winning Schmoozer!
Schmooze!! Don't lose!! ;-)
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