Cast: Mauigirl, DH, and several friends, eating lobsters and corn-on-the-cob on the deck.
Topic of conversation: Eating in restaurants in the Orient that serve live monkey brains.
(No, I have never been there nor eaten such a thing, and have no recollection of how we got on this topic).
Friend #1: I think they serve monkey brains in Korea.
Mauigirl: I would never eat monkey brains, I'd be afraid of getting kudzu.
Friend #2: Kudzu is a vine!
Mauigirl: KURU! I meant KURU!
It's been one of those weeks....
Topic of conversation: Eating in restaurants in the Orient that serve live monkey brains.
(No, I have never been there nor eaten such a thing, and have no recollection of how we got on this topic).
Friend #1: I think they serve monkey brains in Korea.
Mauigirl: I would never eat monkey brains, I'd be afraid of getting kudzu.
Friend #2: Kudzu is a vine!
Mauigirl: KURU! I meant KURU!
It's been one of those weeks....

at least you know what those words mean. i didn't even have any idea they existed. by the sound of "kudzu" alone, i would have imagine some dark curse involving a skin disease or something. yikes.
Kudzu is a nasty vine which thankfully doesn't grow in my area (NJ). It's very common in the south though! And it takes over EVERYTHING!
You could have your Kudzu with some camel milk.
I'd like to know why I am always being delegated to being Friend # 2???
Fairlane - Touche!
I think that Maui better be getting her hearing checked soon.....just a friendly hint from Friend # 2. ;-)
I've heard camel milk goes well with monkey brains...
Friend #2: You are Friend #2 because you are the one with the punch line, so your comment comes second! ;-)
I'm fighting the kudzu wars daily, with roundup, and a lot of fiery language. So far, neither is working worth a damn!..(: The stuff is indestructible!
Woah, did that happen overnight??? ;)
I've heard about the horrors of kudzu. I pulled that picture off the internet so am not sure if it was an overnight event but wouldn't be surprised. From what I understand it grows VERY fast!
At least there is no "camel milk"!
That is a great story!
Thanks for setting the record straight. I wasn't sure which country I was thinking of. Now I suppose, being anal, I will have to Google to find out!
Hong Kong- monkey brains.
Thanks, Fran, you saved me the trouble!
In China there were actual dining tables with a hole cut out in the center to hold the live monkey by it's neck so you could eat fresh brain still in the head, horrors! My friend had told me this a long time ago and I am not exactly sure if it is true.
I had heard about this practice a long time ago from someone I used to work with, maybe about 15 years ago. He actually went to a restaurant that did this (he was a very adventurous sort) because he wanted to see it in person. I don't think he actually partook of the monkey brains though. But I still can't remember what country he was in. Maybe it was Hong Kong, as Fran mentioned. (For the record, I think this is a barbarous, awful thing and close to cannibalism. I feel monkeys and great apes are nearly human).
I don't know either word. I love the way you tell stories against yourself!
That previous comment about scooping out live brains is hideous! No-one would do that surely?!
Hi Liz! Unfortunately, the monkey brain thing is apparently true. Hopefully it is now a very limited practice and will die out eventually.
Thanks, glad you enjoy my little stories! ;-)
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