The Yankees being in the World Series doesn't help either. Although as many already know, I was brought up as a Red Sox fan by my Massachusetts-born mother, I went over to the Dark Side in 1986 when the Sox blew the Series and lost to the Mets. I'd had it. I was tired of rooting for a losing team, and my husband was already a Yankees fan so I decided to join him. It was a gratifying change, although eventually the Red Sox did manage to win a couple of World Series, to my mother's satisfaction. At any rate, for the past couple of weeks a lot of evenings have been taken up by listening or watching the Yankees in the playoffs and World Series.
And of course, I do have one other excuse: Facebook. Yes, Facebook is a time-sucker and is very addictive. And a lot of the bloggers I read are also Facebook friends and are posting links of interest and political viewpoints over there, so the conversation is spreading. If you're on Facebook and want to be FB friends please e-mail me and let me know how to find you!
Once it's too cold and snowy to go up to the Adirondacks I'm sure I'll be back here much more regularly!
In the meantime I would like to thank JadedJ from Banquet of Consequences for a lovely award, the Best Blog Award. I am honored to be chosen and to be among some good company - go check out the other blogs that got awards as well as Banquet of Consequences, if you haven't already discovered it on my blogroll.
As always, awards are meant to be passed on. It's going to be hard to pick blogs from such a plethora of excellent choices, so I'll try to pick some that are newer additions to my blogroll.

First on the list is Robert Rouse's new blog, Freeze-Dried Gray Matter. He addresses all kinds of subjects, from politics to sports and more. He even does video commentary! Check him out if you haven't already.
Next, Mr. Macrum from the great state of Maine, over at Lost in the Bozone. Start reading and you'll be sucked in for sure. He covers a lot of ground and it's all interesting stuff!
Fran over at Ramblings. She's definitely not a newcomer to my blogroll but I wanted to send you over there in case you hadn't gone yet. She covers all kinds of political subjects, health care, and more, as well as posting some great cartoons and other tidbits. And of course many of you know her from her excellent, well thought-out comments on your own blogs.
MnMom at Happy to be From Iowa shares her life with her readers as well as her progressive viewpoint. Check her out, you'll feel as if you've met an old friend!
So those are four of the many blogs I enjoy. If you've been awarded please do pass it on if so inclined - it's alway fun to share links and find new bloggers. Of course at some point I'll never have enough time in the world to read them all. But that doesn't stop me from trying!
I'll send Baxter next time to do some more serious commentary. Isn't it kind of sad that my cat has more political interests than I do lately? Something is wrong. But I am finding it hard to concentrate on politics lately. However, I will be interested to see what happens in New Jersey's governor's race, which is neck and neck between Corzine and Christie, with a fairly popular 3rd party candidate in the mix. I'm sure Baxter will have something to say about those results after tomorrow's election!
Thanks for the Award!
As for the Yankees ... I hate to say this, but if it weren't for George S. I'd like them a lot more. They have a great history - Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Marris, Mantle, etc.
I grew up a huge fan of the Big Red Machine out of Cincinnati. Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Tony Pérez, Concepción, Joe Morgan, etc.
Robert, I remember the Big Red Machine very well! They had some great players. I remember that whole team!
Thank you Ms. Maui.....
You wrote...
"weekend days are taken up with walking in the woods with the dog, pondering different leaf shapes and wondering what type of tree they come from, and gazing at babbling brooks.
Isn't it kind of sad that my cat has more political interests than I do lately? Something is wrong. But I am finding it hard to concentrate on politics lately"
Politicians & the games they play vs nature & babbling brooks.....
I'm with you- I'd rather listen to a brook babble, than a politician- any day!
In Baxter's defense here he has more time to catch the in-depth analysis-- therefore he has profound insight.
He deserves a Catnip award!
Well thank you much for the award. It is always a deep pleasure to be highlighted by another blog.
Your absence I took note of, but figured you had more important things to do. Listening to brooks and questioning falling leaves is definitely more important. But I wonder if rooting for those Damn Yankees is? Oh well. All of us have our dark side.
Hey, the cabin pics are fantastic.... & baseball??? In November? Who cares anymore!!
You call Rouse's video commentary? What was that guy smoking before he let all that garbage spew onto the screen?
I can tell you what I wasn't smoking. I wasn't smoking tobacco, banana peels or cannabis. Now, please give me an example of the garbage I spewed along with evidence that I was wrong.
Hmmm. Wonder who Melba T. is? Haven't seen her here before...troll???
Great read thankyou
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