According to the NY Times, as of now the Dow Jones has fallen well below 7,000 and isn't showing any signs of coming back up, although the day is not over. It didn't look any better overnight from Europe and Asia, either.
On the bright side, the March snowstorm that hit our area didn't dump quite as much snow on us as forecast. We got about 6 inches maximum. And the beautiful thing is, the forecast was so dire that our company's president called a snow day for today before a single flake had fallen. So we are all working at home and looking at the snow outside our windows.
Hope everyone is enjoying the snow, where it has fallen, and having a good day elsewhere.
No snow here but it is cold and the wind is blowing making it seem colder still.
About 401k's and such, I knew when they were pushing these (back in the late 80s and early 90s) that it was all a bunch of baloney! Another scam to get your hard earned dollars into their account and out of yours!
Yes - and good thing W's idea of privatizing Social Security never happened!
You need to keep working to pay for George and Laura's grand retirement and the 103 Secret Service agents who will protect them and the Twins for the next decade.
Anyway, regular Americans like us don't retire -- only elites like the Bushes and the Clintons get that privilege.
No snow here - but I want to thank you for contributing to the new furniture for the Bush's.
I've stake out prime culvert space under an over pass.
No card board retirement home for this boomer.
Seriously, we all need to start rethinking that word "Retirement".
I'm devastated as I figure I'll be working another freaking 10 years to recover....this is soooooo sad....
Thanks for reminding me...
Dorothy from grammology
The market is certainly giving a resounding opinion on Obama's program. You get what you vote for.
Well, mauigirl, looks like you'll have to end up working at anon's magical pony n' unicorn business, because I'm sure billions of jobs are being created as I type thanks to the uninhibited power and foresight of the free market that was about to get back on track after George Bush and Co. worked eight whole years to clean up the mess left by The Clenis until Al-Hussein X sold all of us out to the Saudis.
Anonymous and Randal both summed it up. The invisible hand of the marketplace was just about to fix everything up all hunky dory-like, and then that socialist Obama came in and wrecked everything.
Hey Mauigirl,
One ticket sold in NJ was last night's Mega Millions winner of $212 million dollars.
Is it you, by chance???
Can you even imagine it? I sure can.
Hi all, yes, retirement is only a word nowadays - I'm sure I'll need to be working in some form or other for a long time to come.
Tom and Randal, you really summed up Anonymous' position well!
Christopher, sadly, it isn't me - if only! I always fantasize about what I'd do if I ever won but since I hardly ever buy a ticket that kind of leaves me out of the running. The few times I've bought one I don't even match one number so lottery-playing is apparently not my strength!
When you're using the size of a blizzard as a benchmark, things have gotten bad.
I dread the stock market news, my pension stmnts and trying to figure out how much less my house is worth than I paid. Worse though was the shock of seeing my local big-box grocery store had been cleaned out of SPAM. I don't know who or what evil entity invented it, but you it's rough when people resort to eating massive quantities SPAM.
Craptastic indeed! Spam, that's something to think about. Pondering spam when living in one's car must be one of those moments when a lightbulb goes on over your head and you know you have been fucked for real. And it wasn't fun.
Well, I was going to mention privatization of SS, but that's been covered. Good luck Mauigirl. Guess we'll all be working for the rest of our lives, like people in most countries of the world have always done. Unless we're the upper 1-2%.
Too true, BE. And the lack of Spam is very concerning indeed.
Stocks will be in a trough for a long time, courtesy of the greed-driven Wall Street criminals. The perception of corruption is itself enough to hold stock prices down.
The 401(k) system is a joke, and many of us have known that for a long time. I always figured that this was going to happen, and I'm stunned when I hear a 'tard still argue that privatizing Social Security would be such a great thing. Haven;t people been ripped off enough YET?
Agree, JR. And I'm stunned at ALL of the things the GOP (or should I say Rush and his minions) are spewing out right now - as if they are in total denial that it was their policies that put us in the mess we're in.
since we are all gonna work until we are 100 (but it seems likely flipping burgers...)
we can all just keep supportnig each other
Since it became apparent Obama would be the President in October, money has been fleeing the market and the country. He's a marxist.
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