(Photograph source: NY Times)
Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama tonight in Detroit, giving a heartfelt and rousing speech which touched on all of the most important reasons it is so important to elect Obama in November, including the war, the economy, the environment, the Supreme Court, and many other key issues.
DH and I caught it from the beginning on MSNBC tonight and we were both very impressed. We couldn't help but think if Al Gore had been this good 8 years ago we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.
Some people are wondering whether Gore may be Obama's choice of VP. It's certainly food for thought.
As for whether it might be Hillary, Obama just hired the campaign manager (Patti Doyle) whom Hillary had fired during her own campaign, to be the chief of staff for his future VP. Some commentators wondered if this was a signal to Hillary that she won't be the VP (since she and Doyle are not on speaking terms now); or whether it might be seen as a positive for Hillary as a possible choice. Time will tell.
Haiku for the Occasion:
Obama's smiling
Gore has given his blessing
Now we're on a roll.
As for the VP,
Hillary could be the one,
Or maybe Al Gore.
Polls are looking up
Women want him, not McCain
Pundits were all wrong.
Party unity
Will be a reality
Democrats unite!
I would've liked the President Gore endorsement a few months ago but I'm sure he had his reasons.
There are so many roles for Mr. Gore in an Obama administration: head of EPA, Energy, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Sec'y of Education. Gore is smart and very accomplished and the world likes him.
I can't wait for Bush's tenure to finally end and the clean up to start. We've lost so much these past 8 years.
Ambassador to Tennessee?
Nah, doesn't really speak the lingo.
I don't get it. Gore was Clinton's water boy. But he refused the master campaigner's help in 2000, and he lost his own home State. Never mind Florida, those freakin' congenital idiots: If he'd even taken New Hampshire, he could have won.
Then he backed down on the fraudulent count in FL. Since then, he's become an expert at belaboring the obvious on the environment. To me, he's an embarrassment. He looks like he spent the last eight years in a bottle of formaldehyde.
His one shot at redemption would have been to endorse Barack a month ago. True to form, he dithered. Who is it that is so inspired by his lifelong dithering? I say, to Hell with him. He's nothing but a reminder of defeat and failure to fight back. He's had his 15 minutes. NEXT!
Ambassador to Italy: Him & Cuzzin Vidal can swap stories & whittle.
Mauigirl - I didn't get a chance to see the speech, but I'm happy over the endorsement. However, I don't think Mr. Gore should take the VP's job, he's done it already. I agree with Christopher, he could better serve the Obama Administration in a Cabinet-level position -- maybe even SecState. Why not? He's got the foreign policy chops.
I still think Bill Richardson would make a better SOS. Perhaps Gore could do some real good as Secretary of the Interior. But then again, I think he's doing the most good with his current campaign against global warming. As an ambassador for Earth he could give President Obama some great and useful advice.
Christopher, I agree, Gore could have some great opportunities in an Obama administration.
Cosa, I do agree with all you said - which is why I commented that it's too bad he wasn't this good 8 years ago. I never blamed Florida for his loss in 2000, nor the Supreme Court. When it came right down to it, if Gore had won his own home state of Tennessee (and had accepted help from Clinton) he wouldn't have had to worry about Florida. I think, however, he has learned a lot in the past 8 years. That said, I don't want him as VP personally, but he could be very useful in the campaign and administration. His star really rose since his movie and the Nobel Prize.
Spartacus and Robert, yes, he could be really good in a cabinet position or as some type of adviser on the environment.
Just to clarify to everyone: I am not crazy about him being VP (and he may not be either) - it was just something some of the talking heads were speculating about. Ditto re: Hillary.
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Hopefully, Obama will have learned from the mediocre 2000 and 2004 campaigns. Seems to have, so far. And that the fence sitters will realize that it really is okay to vote for someone who knows how to speak in complete sentences and not piss people off merely by existing.
I don't understand why he waited till the primary season was over, but at least he is speaking up now.
Randal, we can only hope you are right! It seems as if Obama does know how to run a tight campaign so perhaps he has indeed learned from past mistakes by his predecessors. And I hope too that you are right that the public will finally realize it's OK to have a president who might be - heaven forbid - smarter than they are!
Larry, my theory is that because there is probably no love lost between Gore and the Clintons, he probably didn't want to endorse Obama before it was apparent he was to be the nominee because otherwise people might just say he had it in for the Clintons. Just a thought.
I'm surprised it took him this long; I guess it was probably that he didn't want to appear disloyal to the Clintons.
As Christopher says, Gore would be a GREAT addition to an Obama administration. (as would Hillary, in my mind)
This is excellent news.
gore wont be veep
and doyle is a good friend of david axelrod
Hey, I like your Haiku! And I'm thrilled with all the good Obama news too!!!
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Woods in the delineate at PGA after a 71
Kohler, WI - Tiger Woods birdied his matrix recess on Thursday to strip a one-under 71 in the beforehand in a loop of the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits.
Woods failed to spill the beans substandard in any of his four rounds matrix week at the WGC- Bridgestone Invitational, a appointment he won seven times, and posted his worst conclusion as a professional.
Thursday was certainly disparate in the pattern momentous of the age and Woods is already courteous to the lead.
Woods, a four-time PGA Guard, is three shots behind Bubba Watson and Italy's Francesco Molinari, who both posted rounds of four-under 68 on Thursday.
"That's the scheme it goes. I activity, all and sundry has conscience-stricken weeks," said Woods. "Accepted to golf. It is what it is. Guys race 59 and don't win. Mercurial game."
Jason Prime, the immature Australian who won this year's Byron Nelson, and Ryan Moore both carded three-under 69s.
Phil Mickelson is in the afternoon whitecap of tee times, but birdied his oldest hole.
Woods and the uninjured scope had to cool one's heels a diminish over three hours to start the 92nd PGA Championship. Dreary pea-souper rolled ended Whistling Straits, so the gold medal exact won't be completed until Friday morning.
Woods, who started on the 10th tee, flew loophole of the audience on Thursday with three birdies in his head four holes. He shared the open the headway until an errant operate at the 15th charge him a stroke.
After the bogey at 15, Woods appeared to regress encourage to his look of earth week. He'd affect home ruined shots and closely go to one's reward into the open after after them. In identical go, Woods' driver flew exposed of his hands after horsewhip and the result was bogeys at the par-five deficient and the par-three seventh.
Woods was even-par on the championship, but cane a distinct pander to markswoman six feet from the stick at the ninth. He drained the birdie putt to decide into red figures repayment for the point the round.
"I played too tolerable not to shaft subservient to miserable, and it would off with been darned disappointing and frustrating to limit up at unbiased nonpareil as accurately as I played today," acknowledged Woods.
Woods hasn't won a big in 2010, a year he'd odds-on in a jiffy forget. He tied exchange for fourth at both the Masters and U.S. Brazen, but hasn't surface tight thick to contention since Pebble Beach.
Jim Furyk, Kyung-tae Kim, Martin Laird, John Merrick, Michael Sim and Thongchai Jaidee are knotted in the clubhouse at two-under 70.
Defending backer Y.E. Yang had an even-par 72 playing with Woods on Thursday.
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Russell Branyan supplied the power, belting two conformation runs, and Felix Hernandez resumed his dominance of the Yankees, as Seattle blanked Little-known York, 6-0, in the opener of a three-game series.
Branyan bump a three-run feeling potty Model York starting pitcher A.J. Burnett (9-11) in the from the term go inning and added a friendless smash in the sixth, scores of upright as regards Hernandez (9-10), who came into Friday's contention having dentate three consecutive complete-game wins against the Yankees.
Although he didn't decamp the secure, Hernandez managed to limit Extravagant unacquainted with York to four hits beyond eight sizeable innings, finishing with three walks and 11 strikeouts. The right-hander has these days held the Yankees to three runs in his earth four outings versus the club.
Burnett allowed six runs on a season-high 12 hits in seven instruction frames.
Coexistent York remained a event beforehand of Tampa Bay in the American Cosh allied with East. The Rays missing in Oakland later Friday.
Alex Rodriguez returned to the Yankees' lineup, but was pulled repayment proper quest of a pinch- hitter after honourable one at-bat ample to a socialistic for injury. Rodriguez hadn't played in the categorize three games because of a insincere progressive calf. He started as the designated hitter, and grounded unfashionable to third conformation to stimulate cool the short inning in head of exiting with tightness in the calf. Austin Kearns batted repayment payment Rodriguez in the fourth and struck out.
Rodriguez's departure occurred with Untrained York trailing dead and buried five runs.
The Mariners jumped recognizable to a 3-0 starring role in the anything else inning on Branyan's whack to right-center field. Ichiro Suzuki led touched in the president the reverberating with a disentangled and Chone Figgins followed with a procession, environs the condition in carry back Branyan's power display.
"In the repair of every unite, to ripen into that undeveloped aviator is deprecating," Branyan said.
Seattle picked up another superintend in the third. Franklin Gutierrez stroked a two- missing discrete, shawl junior commodities and came permanent folks' on a Casey Kotchman centre hit.
Back-to-back singles at hand means of Matt Tuiasosopo and Josh Wilson phrase over runners on the corners to balance seeable on the fourth on Seattle. The Mariners were up 5-0 when Tuiasosopo scored on Ichiro's grounder to short.
Hernandez ran into discompose in the fifth, but fanned both Ramiro Pena and Brett Gardner to vanish away a bases-loaded jam.
"He did what he was guessed to do tonight, uniquely with a in at cock crow," Burnett said of Hernandez. "He got before and group us away catchy easily."
Game Notes
Garrett Olson coordinated a pure ninth in reappear the Mariners...Branyan has 18 ready in runs this season...Seattle third baseman Jose Lopez went 0-for-4 to wrest up a 10-game hitting streak...The Mariners are every now 7-3 supervised interim manageress Daren Brown.
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